For Elderly

For Elderly


Frequent references are made in the media to the increasing number of over 60s in the population. Undoubtedly, people are living longer. It is obviously important, therefore, that they should maintain good health for as long as possible.

It is an unavoidable fact that physical and mental capacities tend to deteriorate with age. Even so, much can be done to lessen the impact of advancing years and to slow down the onset of age-related problems.

A positive, upbeat approach to life is valuable in maintaining vitality at any age. Long-term use of homeopathy can correct systemic imbalances. Furthermore, the gentle, natural action of homeopathic remedies is better suited to elderly people who may find the side-effects of conventional drugs difficult to cope with.

A sensible, nutritious diet, gentle exercise in the fresh air and sufficient rest are to primary importance for the maintenance of good health in elderly people. In addition, it makes sense to keep in hand a few homeopathic remedies for dealing with any of the common problems most likely to arise.

For bladder incontinence – Causticum

After a fall – Arnica

For bruising – Arnica Ointment

For dizzy spells – Theridion

For confusion – Baryta Carb

NB: It is important not to take risks with any situation that may arise with elderly people. It is safe to give the remedies suggested here, but if the condition is not quickly resolved, call a doctor.

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