About Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a long-established form of complementary medicine, distinguished by its belief in “the potent force of the minimum dose “. The name itself is derived from two Greek works – homoios (meaning similar) and pathos (meaning suffering).Homeopathy is a complete system of natural, evidence-based, medicine which works on the principle that ‘like cures like’.

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that uses plant, mineral or animal substances to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself.

Homeopathic medicines are used to cure many acute health conditions such as flu, stress, allergies, teething, coughs, colds, arthritis pain, muscle pain etc.

The Holistic approach

The homeopathy studies and treats the whole person, whereas modern medicine often considers only the symptoms presented or that part of the body in which they occur. However, an increasing number of medical doctors now acknowledge the benefits of homeopathy. Some have themselves qualified in therapy and others are happy to refer their patients to a homeopathy practitioner.

Like Will Care like

Homeopathy is based on the belief that “like will cure like”. In other words, a minute dose of a substance that causes similar symptoms to those suffered by the patient will stimulate the healing powers of their own body and cure their condition.

Tablates Or Powders

Homeopathic remedies come in powder or tablet form or as tinctures. They are stocked by most pharmacies and health stores and no prescription is needed. The homeopathic approach is essentially gentle and, in marked contrast to some medically prescribed treatments, there are no side-effects.

Minimum Dose

Unlike conventional medicines, a homeopathic medicine is believed to be more effective when its active component is diluted and successes.

Serious Condition

Although homeopathy can be used to treat all manner of ailments, it must be clearly understood that serious conditions need the attention of a qualified homeopath.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a serious illness such as ME, asthma, angina, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis or any other severe problem, see your GP and ask them to refer you a professional homeopath. You will obtain relief much more quickly in this way. Attempting self-treatment for any serious and/or long-standing condition will only prolong your suffering.

Type of Diseases Can Homeopathy Care

All types of chronic illnesses, except surgical cases, can benefit from homeopathy. Acute ill health can also be managed successfully. Because the medicines are free from toxic side effects, homeopathy can be use in the treatment of pregnant women, babies, children and nursing mothers.

Some examples of illnesses commonly treated by homeopathy are:

  • coughs, colds, flu, ear infections, sore throats, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis
  • Digestive and gastric complaints, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome
  • PMT, painful or difficult menstruation, menopausal flushes
  • Headaches and migraine
  • Skin diseases: acne, eczema, psoriasis
  • Pediatric problems: colic, teething, bed wetting, ADHD
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, depression
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • Urinary tract infections, candidacies

Tried And Tested

Homeopathy has been widely used in medical practice for more than 200 years. During that time it has become accepted as a safe, gentle and effective method of treatment for innumerable medical condition. It is widely accepted by the medical profession and is one of the few complementary therapies to be available from the NHS.

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