For Women

For Women


Many of the health problems suffered by women are linked to the reproductive system, beginning with the onset of menstruation and continuing to the menopause.  Obviously, hormone levels are much involved.  Because homeopathy is an holistic therapy, it is particularly effective in dealing with women’s complaints.

If you, as a woman, intend to self-prescribe homeopathic remedies it is particularly important that you should first ascertain your constitutional type.   Asking help from friends and family will not help.

Their answers will be influenced by their own perceptions and their relationship with you.  A consultation with a professional homeopath will provide the information you need and be well worthwhile.

Suggestions for dealing with some of the most common women’s ailments include:

For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – Sepia and/or Nat.mur.

For heavy periods – Nux vomica  or  Belladonna

For breast pain – Conium  and/or  Bryonia

For hot flushes – Amyl nit.

For cystitis –  Cantharis

NB:  These remedies may be regarded as ‘standard’ suggestions for the problems mentioned.  Depending on the patient’s constitutional type, other prescriptions may be are more helpful.

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